Shenandoah Bachelor Party

With a week to go before the wedding, a group of guys convened in Shenandoah National Park for the bachelor party. This place is an absolute gem and never disappoints, even if the weather is something less than cooperative.  

Let’s go Full Circle

Back in 2008, I got the wild idea that I wanted to get into fly fishing. I mentioned this to a friend, and he laughed in my face. He mentioned that he had an old fly rod in the shed that he had bought years before, but could never figure it out, and that it was not worth the hassel…..

Drum and Bass

I feel as if the past two months, it has been endless days of sustained winds of over 20knts. It has made it tough, but sometimes you just got to tough it out and do some fishing. Going out to Flamingo when it’s blowing 30mph is always an adventure. Especially when you decide to run 30+ miles through open water, […]

Peacock Fishing

This week I focused on some peacock fishing. The weather has been pretty hot and the fish have been biting. I’ve been fishing with my friend Danny most of the time and Warren made an appearance this saturday. Most of the fish have been pretty nice size. When I went out saturday morning I saw a huge peacock laid up. […]

A Wild One

  It is Thanksgiving break and my father asked me to go fishing. His requests usually revolve around the game of golf, which I like, its just that compared to fly fishing, golf sucks. Naturally, I accepted the offer to go fishing and we awoke on a cold morning to head to a local tributary.


A picture gallery of king salmon beginning their upstream  journey to spawn and die on the Salmon River, NY. These shots were taken in the first hundred yards of river as pod after pod of fish began moving through some really skinny water.

As Skinny As It Gets

Late summer in the Mid-Atlantic region. Temperatures are in the high 90s and water levels are low and gin clear. Trico mayflies are hatching in the morning and weary trout are gorging themselves on them. Problem is, the tricos run on average between a size 22 -26 hook and the trout are so educated that 7-9x is often required to […]

Golden Bones of Winter

Last year we set a goal to catch at least one carp per month, January through December. This came about spur of the moment after Mark landed his first of the year in January. Neither of us got it done. I failed in January and had to wait eleven long months to try again… JANUARY: Eagle Claw Featherlight 5/6…FTW! Since […]