So your learning the “Long-rod” and we ALL are to some extent. But “It’s too windy” so you bring some spinning rods and maybe the cast net. NOPE! I have been recently relocated back to my home waters of Tampa Bay and ITS SPRING-TIME! I’m pumped for the fishing i have missed the last few years. The other thing im stoked about is the added enthusiasm for fly fishing around here.

Snook on the 8
Snook on the 8

One thing about fly fishing that anglers need to know, is that it is frustrating sometimes. But big risk comes big rewards. A little planning before a trip can go ALONG way for success on a “fly trip”. Last week there was a nice breeze (15-20 knts) in the bay area. With it coming out of the east i decided that it was still a “fishable” day. Now if you’re a right hand caster, your best angle is to put that wind into your left shoulder. So with an east wind you will be facing south while drifting toward the west. Now go look at a chart of the area you fish (Tampa Bay) and find some flats that you can start on the NE end that takes you over the “active water”. Sometimes that will include wading to get into the best position. But just because its howling and your fly line is snagging every snag around, its no reason to give up. Remember “calm seas don’t make great sailors”. Tough it out, you’ll be rewarded, i promise.


