Pit Stop in Ft. Myers

On our way back home from Tampa, we decided to stop at Bass Pro in Ft. Myers. I had the bright idea to call up the homie Kyle “Big Snook” Petrick to see if we can get in on some fish. He mentioned the night tide would be great for snook. So Mario and I decided to stick around town […]

Memorial Day

I had the pleasure to spend the extended Memorial Day weekend down south with friends. The Lower Laguna is on my short list favorite places to fish, but I have a love/hate relationship with the area. The water is clear, the fish are plentiful, but the conditions are always unpredictable, specifically the wind. The winds seems to blow hard nearly […]


I made it out to the park with a buddy Dan Decibel to chase some redfish and snook on the long rod. On his first shot of the day, Dan pulled out what became his biggest redfish on fly to date at 28″. I had the bright idea of putting his wading fly basket on and poling myself to a […]

The End is Near

With every day that goes by, the end is coming rapidly. These warmer days are proving to be bringing in a lot of big fish. The migratory big reds that call the flats in Flamingo home during the Spring and Summer months, are beginning to show strong. These fish are a sight fisherman’s dream. As spooky as bonefish, in a foot deep of crystal […]

Newbies first snook

It has been a while but finally got to spend some time on the water with Boris Nikolaev, a friend and former teacher of mine when I was in college.  We had talked about going fishing for a couple years, and I am glad we finally hit the water.   The morning was overcast and the breeze was blowing, so […]