This weekend wasn’t looking too well. The wind predictions were over the roof. So when my buddy Alonzo Sotillo told me he would be coming down to Miami, I took Wednesday off work. We were on our way to the park to chase silver giants. We launched the skiff and headed south. After a 25 miles run, we made it to the grounds. We quickly saw a few, but didn’t even take a shot at them. ‘Zo was rigging the 8wt just incase we came across the other suspects. I came up carelessly on a school of what I assumed would be redfish. Spooking them across the flat. When Alonzo and I realized that it was not redfish, but a school of over 80 Bonefish. I continued on our way, slightly annoyed by what just went down. We came across a few more silver creeps smashing bait, but out of our range. We waited it out and poled around for what felt like forever, and had zero shots. We start making the trek back to Flamingo, when Alonzo spots a laid up poon. We spin around and I jump on pole. I pole him over to this beast that appeared to be asleep. Once the fly passed it’s face, it exploded and took off. Annoyed by it all, Alonzo and I decide to make the 20+ mile trek to chase some redfish in the skinny. We found plenty of redfish. The wind began to howl! We caught a few redfish to end the day and were on our way. It was a fun time fishing with Alonzo. It had been years since I was down in the park with him. He did put me on my first redfish and bonefish ever, out of Flamingo, years ago. We had the two GoPro’s going all day, so all that footage will be added to the pile to someday be put together.

Here’s the only photo I took this day.

So the weekend was here, and so was the wind. I tied up some clousers, and made a few calls. I was on my way to bend the rod. When the wind is this bad, it’s great to have a back up plan. Especially one that puts up a fight! I caught 10 of these things. My friends caught a few. Mario decided to cast at a massive carp on our walk back to the truck. Not expecting it to eat. It was a long battle on his 5wt, but he finally got it in.



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