You guys may not know this but I have not always been the glimmering model of fly fishing perfection that I am today.(cough) As a matter of fact, I have only been into fly fishing for about three years now, but that being said I am now one of those “crazy” fly fisherman that would insist on fly fishing even if it’s blowing 30 knts outside and there has not been a glimmer of sun for weeks. It has seriously transformed me into the snarling fly fishing snob that I am today. It really is an addiction and to me hooking any fish on fly is awesome. I rarely pass a school of jacks or ladyfish without now wasting at least a good hour messing around with them.
The picture I have posted above is a great example to prove my key points which I have no idea what they are. The look on my face is not because I think I am too awesome to give the camera a smile, no no no, it’s because THAT is my first bonefish on fly and THAT look my friend is called shock and half failing heart. I was so excited and full of adrenaline that my body was incapable of moving any facial muscles what so ever. Sure, I have caught plenty of bones on spinning gear and a live shrimp, but this was on a piece of yarn and a feather! A whole new ball game. Anyways, take what you will from this. This post was simply to motivate someone out there to sell their Stellas on eBay and get some REAL fishing gear!!(totally kidding…..but seriously, do it)(kidding)(seriously though)



3 thoughts on “A Time To Reflect…

  1. I know the look. I’ve been fly fishing for about 13 years now, but only caught my first bonefish in 2008 and it too was a revelation. Since I started fly fishing I fish about a billion times more than I did when I was fishing with gear or bait.

  2. You know, I grew up bait fishing (handline mostly, with a little rod-n-reel thrown in) and not only do I fish more now that I fly fish, but I enjoy it more too… and, it’s nothing whatever to do with the catching. (N.B. I do catch more shallow-water fish wading on fly that I EVER did w/ bait or lures.) It’s not that I’m a snob (I hope) but it’s just they way I like to fish. Period. I mean, someone else wants to chuck hardware, no worries. I don’t. I don’t care if it’s blowing a young hurricane, the long rod remains firmly in hand. I may not catch fish, I may hook myself or my buddies, but my hooks are barbless and what’s a little blood between friends? Either way, the point isn’t just catching, it’s FISHING.

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