Deep G lades

Spur of the moment, I drove up to the mainland to fish with my buddies Jeff and Wes the other morning.  The alarm went off at 3:30 am and I headed north.  Nothing like 7 hours of driving for a day trip….   After about 4 hours of driving, I finally got to the ramp.  I met up with the boys […]

Nor CaL

I just got back from a 2 week trip back to my old stomping grounds in Lake Tahoe.  Fall in the Northern Sierras…. what a nice change.  Cool temps in the morning, bright sunny blue bird days in the high 70’s with cool breezes, and clear evening skies.  For me,that’s hard to beat.  It’s second only to fall time Permit […]

As Skinny As It Gets

Late summer in the Mid-Atlantic region. Temperatures are in the high 90s and water levels are low and gin clear. Trico mayflies are hatching in the morning and weary trout are gorging themselves on them. Problem is, the tricos run on average between a size 22 -26 hook and the trout are so educated that 7-9x is often required to […]

The Ides of March

Interestingly enough, carping in month of March made me miss the hardships I endured back in January and February. Spring was definitely here. Large shoals of carp were now staging in the shallows. Amongst the shoal, small groups could be found cruising, tailing, sunning, you name it..they were doing it. It was chaos…