Another Day…Another Dollar

I wasn’t sure about fishing today.  I had been the last 3 days in a row.  I woke up early and started thinking about tailing sheepshead from yesterday.  Grabbed a Don Miguel’s beef steak and jalapeno burrito.  Hitched the boat and took off to the glades! Second day in a row with a 32″ red…not too common for Everglades National […]

Tis the Season…

High winds, lower water temps and clouds…that seems to be the pattern this time of year. I have been searching far and wide trying to find some nice fish. Today we finally scored some good ones. A few nice reds and Dan’s first sheepie! I also pulled the hook on two sheepshead…man those things are tough and awesome! I’m really […]

Jigging the bridge

It’s no secret that bridges are awesome places to fish. As a kid, I used to spend countless hours on the Gandy catwalks fishing for anything that would bite, and then using that as bait to catch something bigger. I still find myself spending time under the bridge, although boats now help me navigate the bridge’s nooks and crannies. Among […]