Drum and Bass

I feel as if the past two months, it has been endless days of sustained winds of over 20knts. It has made it tough, but sometimes you just got to tough it out and do some fishing. Going out to Flamingo when it’s blowing 30mph is always an adventure. Especially when you decide to run 30+ miles through open water, […]

Taking it Back Sunday?

Warren just picked up his first fly combo, and called me this morning itchin’ to put it to work. So we went and had lunch at a cuban restaurant, then were on our way to the grounds. Made quick work of some peacock bass. Warren got a nice one as his first fish on the rod.   I somehow forgot […]

Great Company, Bad Conditions

This past weekend, we had an Ankona Owners tournament down in Flamingo. We had a great time fishing an area that not many were familiar with. I’d like to thank Ashley of Don’s Bait & Tackle and Bob Reeves of Strongarm Products for helping us out with everything. There was a ton of fish caught in the tournament. Garret had […]

South Florida Fishin’

Alissa came down to try and get her first bonefish. The weather didn’t cooperate. We got rained on a good bit. Finally decided to switch it up.  At least try to salvage the day with her first peacock bass. We made it to the spot, and I caught a few peas on the long rod. Alissa managed to pull out […]