Fear not! I’ve heard the rumblings, and have finally figured out a way to address the devastatingly urgent issue at hand! Finally, a moment of clarity for me. A breakthrough for my blockage of the ability to find a solution to an issue that has plagued our bless’ed world of fishing people. It was simple (as these complicated life questions usually are), and right in front of me the whole time! I feel like an idiot not thinking of it before now, but such is life….

1st off, lets clarify the dilemma that we are facing (as if I need to even explain it to anyone?!); the sport/recreation of fishing/flyfishing is being decimated solely by a small collective of self promoting primadonna’s, who have paid no dues what so ever, yet they are forcing their place into the industry (although it can’t be pinpointed exactly where they are trying to fit in), and this is making another small collective of self promoting, egotistical, elitists, who have (apparently) actually paid their due’s to get where they are in life, extremely resentful and hateful towards the 1st collective. The latter collective, whether they actually say it to anyone outside of their own circle’s, has been somehow grandfathered in, the entitlement to preserve their stance that after they paid their dues, that NOBODY after them is allowed to consider themselves any sort of title (not that the 1st collective ever sought it) of anything other than a “bunch of fucking posers”.

Now, while that may not be an issue for you yourself as a reader/fishing person/possibly a drama free individual, believe me, I know 1st hand the threat that is being posed and is potentially devastating! I mean, what if laypeople (or just fishing enthusiasts) confuse the 1st collective (Lets just call them SWC bloggers and ambassadors) for a collective of legit, self promoting, egotistical elitists, who have “paid their dues”, and actually use the internet to promote their guide business/fishing related business?!!! Can you imagine the impact that it would have on the 2nd collective?!!!! Can you????!!!!! I can’t, but it seems like it could be serious! It’s not fair, and I agree, and a solution is needed fast to prevent the impending doom that the world of fishing “leaders” is facing.

So lets cut to the chase; the solution. Since the internet is the source of the issue, I, in genius fashion, realized that the internet can also be the solution. We all know that the subroot platform of the internet that the problem spreads itself through is social media right? So, since our blog is linked to the Facebooks, all you have to do is speak your mind in the response section of this blog post, and it will automatically enter into the governing body of fishing intellect world of your Facebook wall. So all of your Facebook friends (who undoubtedly agree with you since they’re your “reel” friends) can chime in with their stance and solution, and we can ALL collectively fix this freak of a problem and get the world of fishing back into the hands of our fearless leaders who follow traditional fishing industry standards and guidelines. We have to put these SWC “POSERS” back into their place, and let them know that there is only 1 way to gain internet “legitimacy” (even though they really never sought it in the 1st place), and that is by either being a respected Guide, or to at least speak of yourself as an authority on the issue! God Damnit! You can’t just do what you want, speak from the heart, make public where you are on your path, and share images and media that you find exhilarating, and expect people to understand that is your only objective! Doing that is going to ruin other peoples lives, and is doing so right now!!!!!!!

To help us, (please don’t hold back) tell us in the comments section below why this whole Skinny Water Culture presence in fishing doesn’t belong, and is total nonsense, and how it specifically is a detriment to your legitimate livelihood in this fishing industry. Don’t be shy either, we all know that guys like “Tex” (stupid fucking name), “DJ Dan Decibel” (unbelievably stupid name), Carlos Baz (don’t even know who the fuck that is because he doesn’t have Facebook), Adam Hope (fishes for Carp only like a total loser), Mark Erdosy (ok, I cant even think of a negative thing to say about this vanilla fuck), Jeremy Chavez (obviously Mexican heritage), or any of the other guys are all complete POSERS! They even all know they are complete posers! Derek Rust is a guide in the Keys so he is legit (but WTF is he doing mingling or associating with these douche bags. He’s a complete gentleman in every application of the word), so if you say something bad about him then you’re just out of line. Or just tell us to our face that we are complete posers and say nothing else. That will help at least make you feel better about your day. Do it often if it will help you! We promise that we will consider your input every time we look in the mirror, or before we hit enter on our keyboards. Tell us what we should be doing instead! That could work very well! The last thing we want to do is rob you of your right to a certain image. The damage that we have done thus far may not be immediately repairable, but I am willing to bet that if you point us in the right direction, we can help you gain your image back!

So, all you “legit”, artists, guides, bloggers, Facebook status writers, serious companies who actually help the industry by being serious about fishing all the time, and gear experts, here is your chance! Light us up! Expose us to the world! Make it be known that what we are doing needs to stop RIGHT NOW!! Social media started this problem, and social media WILL fix it!

Yours in a state of humility and forgiveness,
Vince Stegura – Founder of SWC (fat, alcoholic, emotionally unstable, fragile, unprofessional, and can barely cast)

