It’s with much excitement that I bring you this, my first post, from a town called Port Hedland in the Pilbara region of Western Australia. More well know for its red hot summers, tropical cyclones and rich mineral wealth this red dirt land offers some of Australia’s best flats fishing. In saying that it’s far from easy, we battle big tides, soaring temperatures and 100’s of kilometres on the road and by boat, searching for new grounds. Very few are  doing what we do and no one has done it before us. It’s fresh, seriously hard work but incredibly rewarding and that’s what keeps us here.

This video was entered in a short film competition ran by Recfishwest, the representative group and voice of Recreational fisherman. I was stoked and surprised for it to take out first place on the night.

I hope you enjoy it and I’m excited to be able to bring to you the amazing fishing that we have over here.









