Seasons Change

Sometime around the end of September the season here in Florida begins to change and I personally put on a whole new game face. Casting platforms, fly rods, flies and micros take a backseat to tree stands, bows, guns and camo. The usual late night tarpon runs turn into early morning trips to the woods as tarpon season turns into […]

Good Timing

Ever have something happen during your daily routine that makes you say to yourself “talk about good timing”? Good timing is an understatement when describing what happened to me over the summer. As fishing off paddleboards was a rapidly growing style of fishing, and since I didn’t have the money for a boat, I figured it was a good way to increase the […]

Windy City Weekend Warrior

This past weekend I jumped on a plane and shot down to the everglades for a few days. Its always awesome to get away from the Midwest and try to perfect my casting on something other then bass, carp, or trout. While I was down there the weather was awesome, not a drop of rain was felt, but the wind […]