My friend Richard, fellow NYC angler and aficionado of the southern skinny, sent me this video he put together from his last trip down to the wilds of the Florida Bay and the Keys. They launched a shit load of silver and got a bunch of fish to hand. It’s jealousy inducing and also prettay, prettay, prettay fucking cool.  Watch it and enjoy.

25 tarpon from Richard Stacey on Vimeo.

Man, oh, man. Tarpon. Amirite?!  With my February efforts to get tight on a poon of my own foiled by a cold front, it pains me to say that I may not get another shot this year to fish the swimmers. Oh, well. At least with this video a girl can dream.

Anyways, on deck I’ve got a short yarn to spin about early season striped bass adventures and another food post. Whether or not I get to finish them in a reasonable amount of time is another story. Until then, stay tight, homies.



HUGE thanks go out to Richard Stacey for his generosity in letting me share his stellar video with the SWC community. Thanks, dude!



